

Node.js library to communicate with an EASUN inverter via a serial connection. Tested with an EASUN ISolar SMX II 3.6KW, connected via USB to a Raspberry Pi 3B.


npm install --save easun-modbus or yarn add easun-modbus

Basic usage

import EASUN from "easun-modbus";

async function doStuff() {
const easun = new EASUN("/dev/ttyUSB0");
await easun.connect();

// Check the state of charge of the battery
const battery = await easun.getBatterySOC();
`Battery is charged to ${battery}${EASUN.ValueConfig.BatterySOC.unit}`

// Get the total amount of energy used by the load on the device, formatted
// with the appropriate units
console.log(await easun.getStats_LoadConsumEnergyTotal(true));

// Alternatively you can obtain the units directly. For example:
const freq = await easun.getOutputFrequency();
`Output frequency is ${freq}${EASUN.ValueConfig.OutputFrequency.unit}`

// Change the output priority to battery first
await easun.setOutputPriority(EASUN.OutputPriority.BatteryFirst);

// If today is Monday, tell the device to only charge the batteries using PV power.
// Otherwise, use PV and mains.
if (new Date().getDate() === 1) {
await easun.setChargerSourcePriority(EASUN.ChargerSourcePriority.OnlyPV);
} else {
await easun.setChargerSourcePriority(


Auto-generated documentation with all the class methods: https://jsayol.github.io/easun-modbus/classes/EASUN-1.html

Generated using TypeDoc